By the 2ch Forums
Blast Hornet / Rockman EXILE.
BGM of the Woodman stage
Puresabe / Rockman 4MIBGM of Cain + spark boss selection
Tar/ Rockman2MIN and Rockman5WDS Kirby Graphics and BGM.
DHI/ Graphic and BGM of Kirby are busy with ..crash man stage of Rockman EXHAUST Rockman UnPrecended EXHAUST.. each place besides
MISTY/ RockmanDEM devil laser MINDROAR Menu BGM of DEM selects it, and arms of quick man of the cave operation rest room devil laser of the super-deluxe select and boss selection BGM of final cutter MINDROAR of Kirby selects the character of eastern little tuna bra DX.
IKA/ RockmanNC The air man stage is a map chip of the grape garden of the story of a dream fountain.
Yosaku/ Rockman STH, Pharoah Man's Stage.
These are the games that were related so far. By the way, Insectduel is unable to log in due to a massive heat wave and sometimes cuts his desktop computer off.